Friday 2 November 2012

A Phantom Menace or A New Hope?

I'm sure we've all heard the news about Disney buying LucasFilm for a whopping $4billion via Facebook or if you actually have a life, a news site such as Yahoo. Well for a majority of us Star Wars Geeks, most of us cringed awkwardly when they heard the news and thought to ourselves that the series was to then be ruined.Disney shortly after buying Lucas film stated they were going to work on the next Star Wars ,episode VII set to be released in 2015. As George Lucas said, He wasn't going to make another film as he had no story left to tell so does this mean that Disney will have to write a storyline from imagination and thought, If so they could potentially anger a lot of fans in the process.
I Personally thought the same as I heard the news and like many have questioned, will Leia become a "Disney Princess" and will the merchandise for it be over the top and unnecessary like half of the Disney merchandise is at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I love some of the Disney films like Toy Story, Monsters Inc and Robin Hood but can they deliver the intensity,drama and action that George Lucas did with the original Trilogy.

The Only thing this news does to our lives is give us 'A New Hope'
...See what I Did there

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